Frequently Asked Questions

Basic Information

1. Why did I receive this notice?

You received this notice because Rover’s records show you performed at least one pet care service in California during the class period that was booked through Rover’s online platform. The notice explains the lawsuit, the settlement, who is covered by the settlement, your rights and options, the benefits available under the settlement, and what you will give up obtaining those benefits.

Plaintiffs claim they and other pet care providers who used Rover’s platform to book their services were treated as independent contractors and should have been classified as hourly employees. Rover denies all of the plaintiffs’ allegations and contends it fully complied with all applicable laws. By settling this lawsuit, Rover has not admitted any wrongdoing.

2. What is the lawsuit about?

Plaintiffs claim they and other pet care providers who used Rover’s platform to book their services were treated as independent contractors and should have been classified as hourly employees.

Rover denies all of the plaintiffs’ allegations and contends it fully complied with all applicable laws. By settling this lawsuit, Rover has not admitted any wrongdoing.

3. What is a Class Action, and who is involved?

In a class action lawsuit, one or more people called class representatives, sue on behalf of others who have similar claims. All of the people who have similar claims together are “class members” if the class is certified by the Court.

Individual class members do not have to file a lawsuit to participate in the class action settlement or be bound by the judgment in the class action.

4. Who is included in the Settlement?

The Sportsman case consists of individuals who performed at least one pet care service in California from November 1, 2018, through February 7, 2023, that was booked through Rover’s online platform.

5. What does the Settlement provide?

Rover will make a total payment of $18 million. This will be used to pay Class Members, the PAGA payments to the State and pet care providers, settlement administration and notice costs, an award to Ms. Sportsman for her service as Class Representative, attorneys’ fees, and costs. This is the total sum to be paid by Rover; it will not owe anything more.

6. How are the payments calculated?

Class members’ shares of the Class settlement will be calculated and paid out using a formula described in the parties’ Settlement Agreement. Under the formula, the total amount available for distribution to Class Members will be divided by the total number of days during the Class Period on which Class Members provided services in California that they booked through the Rover Platform.

What are my options?

7. Do Nothing; receive a payment.

If you do nothing and the Court approves the settlement, you may be entitled to payment based on the number of days you provided services in California as a result of bookings made through the Rover Platform during the Class Period. You will give up the right to sue about the issues being settled. Please reference questions 10 and 12 in the notice for more information on participating in the settlement.

8. Exclude yourself.

You may exclude yourself from the Class portion of this settlement. This option allows you to bring your own lawsuit about the issues being settled, but you won’t get the benefits of the Class settlement. The deadline to submit a request for exclusion is June 22, 2023. Please reference questions 12 and 13 in the notice for directions on how to submit a request for exclusion.

9. Object to the Settlement.

You may remain part of the Class but write to the Court to object to the proposed settlement. Please reference questions 12 and 14 in the notice for directions on how to submit an objection.

10. What is the deadline to exclude myself from the Settlement (Opt-Out)?

If you want to file an exclusion (opt-out) to the proposed Settlement, you must do so in writing on or before June 22, 2023.

11. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement?

The hearing is scheduled for July 19, 2023, at 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, in the courtroom of the Honorable William H. Orrick. You are not required to attend this hearing to obtain payment under the settlement.

12. What if the Settlement does not get approved?

If the court denies approval of the Settlement no Settlement payments will be made.


13. How are the payments calculated?

Class members’ shares of the Class settlement will be calculated and paid out using a formula described in the parties’ Settlement Agreement. Under the formula, the total amount available for distribution to Class members will be divided by the total number of days during the Class Period on which Class members provided services in California that they booked through the Rover Platform. This determines the per diem share. Based on Rover’s business records, the Settlement Administrator has calculated the per diem share to be $2.08. Each Class member who qualifies for payment will receive the per diem share times the number of days during the Class Period on which they provided services in California booked through the Rover platform.

14. When can I expect my Settlement payment?

The Court will hold a hearing—called a “Fairness Hearing”—on July 19, 2023, at 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, in the courtroom of the Honorable William H. Orrick, to decide whether to approve the Settlement. If the Court approves the Settlement after the Fairness Hearing, it is anticipated that you would receive your payment within ninety days after approval. If there are appeals from the approval, however, it may take up to a year or more to resolve them. Updates on the settlement status will be posted on the settlement website at Please be patient.

15. How will I receive the Settlement payment?

A paper check will be sent to the address where your notice was mailed.

16. What if I need to update my address or contact information?

To update your address or contact information please contact the Settlement Administrator toll-free at (833) 207-6917 or by email at

17. Will my Settlement payment be reported to the IRS?

If your settlement award payment is $600 or more, your Settlement payment will be reported to the applicable governmental authorities on IRS Forms 1099. You are solely responsible to pay all taxes, interest, and penalties on all Settlement payments you receive. Neither the Parties, their counsel, the Settlement Administrator, nor the Court is providing you with any tax or financial advice. You should consult with your accountant or tax preparer with any questions regarding your Settlement payment.